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Amber Extract

The amber is a fossil resin which comes from conifer trees mainly found in Baltic area. It can also befound in Dominican Republic, northern Europe, US but also Asia and Mexico…When the resin is initial exuded it is soft and tacky. 

Under anaerobic condition, a partial polymerisation ofthe molecular structure transforms the resin first into copal. Then over time (millions of years) through theevaporation of turpenes, copal is transformed into amber.Stone Age man imbued amber with supernatural properties and used it to wear and to worship. 

Amber isbeing worn as jewellery since Antiquity.Slavs used it as protection talisman. For Romans, amber was associated to eternal youth because itpreserved vegetables and animals. It could have therapeutic properties, real or illusory, for moodsbalance and cell regeneration, for detoxification and sun protection.

 It was used to stimulate bloodcirculation, to calm temperature and infections, to fight stress and tiredness or against skin irritationsAmber Extract has been widely in hair treatment products to effectively treat hair loss, alopecia, and thinning hair by women worldwide. It has proven to be one of the most efficient and natural ways to regrow lost hair, improve scalp health, and prevent further hair loss and thinning.